Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ahoy Udaipur!!!

What happens when a bunch of college girls make a sudden haste plan for a trip together? They pack everything necessary and wrapped up 'tons of fun'! Oh jeez, am I getting dreamy eyed when I recall that trip to Udaipur together with all my girl-friends......

The night at the bus stand in Chiloda which gave us nothing more than chillers rumbling in our tummies and nerves taut with anxiety looking out for every other female around.The bus took like.... forever,but it was worth the wait.

We fell asleep immediately like hard working daily wage earner lumberjacks :P, nonetheless we were damn tired (of nothing much to be precise, but all set for the road trip ahead). The morning was too early for us to rise and shine when we reached Udaipur at 3:30 am. Faint memories of us reaching Bakul's uncle's place,meeting 'Hari-Om'(the pet tortoise) and falling asleep again after getting refreshed by 4.

The next morning was pleasant not just because we were excited but the weather was inexplicably wonderful & calm.The drive around the Fatehsagar lake in Uncle's 'coolest' jeep with the light morning breeze blowing was the perfect beginning for our day.
We were smitten by the ruby red jeep and took turns for clicking pictures with it as if it were a celebrity! The Fatehsagar lake was a sight to watch from the jeep. Arya undoubtedly took the best pictures (thanks to her gifted photography skills :P).

The next place on the list was the temple of Nimach Mata,850 metres uphill and we decided to climb that distance on foot!All the sweat and toiling for 45 minutes finally paid off after we reached the temple.
I remember we even took votes
midway whether we should continue the journey further or not! We were completely exhausted when we reached our destination but climbing to the top gave us a feeling of achievement.The downhill return took merely 10 minutes and it was more fun than work. 2 glasses of sugar-cane juice and we were geared up again for the day. We knew we had so much to visit in so less time that we wouldn't let exhaustion come in our way.

We took a boat to reach Nehru Park located at the center of Fatehsagar.3 digital cameras used wisely!

The statue of the lady dressed in the Rajasthani attire in the park couldn't have missed our eyes and we straight away targeted her to our fashion makeover sessions.

The park had an amazing view surrounded with water everywhere and the well maintained lawn colored with blooming bright flowers.We couldn't help ourselves from taking clips at every step.The cool moist wind made us ecstatic that we weren't willing to leave the place sooner.We wanted to spend all our afternoon in the park.Struck by hunger we were bound to leave, and we returned by boat to proceed to a restaurant.

Being hostelites we were deprived of good food and everyone chose typical rajasthani thali for lunch.The daal-bati supersaturated with desi ghee and churma were my favorites in the delicacies. Filled to the brim we left for the city palace from there.
Our cameras were seized at the door, although we could secretly click a few pics in the corners(god save camera phones!).The palace was a treat to the eye and any day it makes an Indian proud of their rich culture & heritage, still preserved and maintained in the best condition. It took us over 2 hours only to glance quickly through every room of the palace.The tiny doors opening to numerous secret pathways in the palace,the intricate detailed carvings of marble & wood,the various paintings and the windows stained with colored glasses cannot be admired with mere words for describing their beauty.

The moment we took the exit from the City Palace, the most natural thing happened. The market attracted this flock of girls who ran around like crazy shoppers bargaining & purchasing at one shop to another.By the end everyone seemed to be content with their bargain skills and happy with the stuff they bought.The advantage of an all girls gang is that everyone would opt for shopping over booze anyday and the side-effect being that we don't much care about time in hand while shopping.
The next pit-stop was Jodhpur Sweet shop for the hungry boys back home who could be easily pleased with 'mawa kachodi' from here :P. "Saheliyon ki Badi" took hardly 10-15 minutes and we had notorious ideas while taking pictures ;) .It was beginning to get dark,when we reached Shilpgram. Our last place to visit for the day.There were Rajasthani traditional dances and folk dances performed in the artificial village setup of shilgram, mostly intended to lure foreign tourists.

We returned back to Amitabh uncle's place, had a delicious dinner packed from restaurant and got ready to leave by night bus at 10:30 pm.All in all, it was one helluva trip with so much fun in a small duration of 24 hours! This trip will remain as one of the best college memories of our lives.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The blot

A white piece of paper has no meaning attached to it and still speaks so much by itself. It is a baby who has not yet spoken its thoughts,a flower not yet bloomed, a character not yet molded and a person who hasn't yet shared.
Yet one would blot it. Blot it till the paper is worthless! Blot and dampen the paper....the thoughts...the spirit

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The air around is filled with mixed emotions. I am elated and my blemishes have almost faded with no stress, but on the other hand I pray each day. The feeling is incomplete and I am hoping for the best..for everything to be the way I wished...for a happy future ahead.May god bless us!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Saturday

Feels like one of those days when you are happy to wake up and start your day....

Sunday, October 24, 2010


There are times when you are exposed to a reality that was unknown to you in the midst of daily duties. You realize that there is a lot more to learn and a lot more to do. The expectations are higher and you might me not be even at par. But the struggle, the struggle is fun only when you get paid for it. I wish one day I'll be the one who has a dream fulfilled too.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Down Low Underground Below ...........

My hand aches, my back aches, my head aches and so do my eyes with sleep filled in them.
I am doomed tomorrow
Panelists from donno what countries gonna ask me questions that I'll have no idea about along with their incomprehensible foreign accents. My presentation is still incomplete forget counting time duration( unlike other participants who have rehearsed for more hours than my total sleeping hours tonight).
Plan A : Ignore this exhaustion and stay up all night
Plan B : Quit and stay locked in my hostel room tomorrow
Besides all these my mind has nothing more going in it for the past 3 n half hours but to feel dumb,stupid,clingy,annoying,childish,demanding,stubborn,obsessed,crazy,stressed and ya definitely in tears :P

Thursday, September 30, 2010

If only..

If only you understood what I meant,
If only you knew what I thought,
If only you saw what was there in my eyes,
If only you felt what I felt,
If only I was that simple...