Saturday, November 28, 2009

DAY 4 n DAY 5

I wrote quite less...mmm..a lot less.But I spent all of my time thinking and still regretted not writing the major points I thought:(.That happens in every paper.Something or the other you wish you had or hadn't written.
It has been one very exhausting week.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Comparatively..better.I am losing out on my sleeping hours but I still don't feel sleepy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


...and it gets repeated again!!! Another instance to believe its "not my cup of tea".God! Its frustrating

Monday, November 23, 2009


So it was my first exam for the end sems today.wasn't as bad as my mid sem paper and I am not asking for anything more.I have been trying to finish a(or rather mug up) a semester course in a day. I am really tired now.Eye lids getting heavier...zzzzzzz.....z.....z.....z....

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I screwed up 2 vivas and even though I am a bit disappointed with myself I have accepted that horrible vivas are a part of engineering.I am fine with my lower retention skills,but I would be happy if I had to work less harder.hmmm...Time to stick to schedule!