Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Saturday

Feels like one of those days when you are happy to wake up and start your day....

Sunday, October 24, 2010


There are times when you are exposed to a reality that was unknown to you in the midst of daily duties. You realize that there is a lot more to learn and a lot more to do. The expectations are higher and you might me not be even at par. But the struggle, the struggle is fun only when you get paid for it. I wish one day I'll be the one who has a dream fulfilled too.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Down Low Underground Below ...........

My hand aches, my back aches, my head aches and so do my eyes with sleep filled in them.
I am doomed tomorrow
Panelists from donno what countries gonna ask me questions that I'll have no idea about along with their incomprehensible foreign accents. My presentation is still incomplete forget counting time duration( unlike other participants who have rehearsed for more hours than my total sleeping hours tonight).
Plan A : Ignore this exhaustion and stay up all night
Plan B : Quit and stay locked in my hostel room tomorrow
Besides all these my mind has nothing more going in it for the past 3 n half hours but to feel dumb,stupid,clingy,annoying,childish,demanding,stubborn,obsessed,crazy,stressed and ya definitely in tears :P