Saturday, November 28, 2009

DAY 4 n DAY 5

I wrote quite less...mmm..a lot less.But I spent all of my time thinking and still regretted not writing the major points I thought:(.That happens in every paper.Something or the other you wish you had or hadn't written.
It has been one very exhausting week.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Comparatively..better.I am losing out on my sleeping hours but I still don't feel sleepy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


...and it gets repeated again!!! Another instance to believe its "not my cup of tea".God! Its frustrating

Monday, November 23, 2009


So it was my first exam for the end sems today.wasn't as bad as my mid sem paper and I am not asking for anything more.I have been trying to finish a(or rather mug up) a semester course in a day. I am really tired now.Eye lids getting heavier...zzzzzzz.....z.....z.....z....

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I screwed up 2 vivas and even though I am a bit disappointed with myself I have accepted that horrible vivas are a part of engineering.I am fine with my lower retention skills,but I would be happy if I had to work less harder.hmmm...Time to stick to schedule!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

uh oh!!! BURP!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am all anxious, hyper,helpless...what not(can't think of more adjectives at this moment). I didn't receive a single reply tonight.God! I know whats wrong. But still am getting all desperate.
Formatted my hard disk and I carelessly let my important material to be deleted too. The recovery process has been going on for the past 3 hours and am still crossing my fingers. Its just not fair how we become so dependent on technology that a tiny setback turns our world upside down.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My pc crashed down for the past 2 days and I haven't been able to post anything.My diwali vacations are on and I have absolutely nothing to feel excited about. Neither the festival nor the 10 long days that I'll spend brooding and whining(m sure).

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bad day part 2.
points to be noted-
1.speak for yourself
2.opportunity lost cannot be regained
3.give your generosity only to ones who deserve it
4.I'll never quit

Friday, October 2, 2009

I had a bad bad day.:-(

Monday, September 28, 2009 when you are asked to take life changing decisions at a point when you are unprepared and all you can say is-ah....umm...hmm...i......Don't fumble! It means you are hesitating(which you are) but be brave enough to face it. Its not possible to avoid coz it has to be taken now or never.Get your life sorted before its too late.There are certain things that cannot be solved by flipping a coin.
...............listening to Taylor Swift's love story now.The video reminds you of those 'fairy tales' you read about when we were kids.The most girlish song I've ever heard!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

haan.........seems like I am a 'donkey-worker'. doofus...its not frustrating anymore though.Its called waste of energy and time that can be utilised for other creative activities(my dusty guitar just scowled at me>-( ).I need a time management course

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The stage when no matter how many hours you are putting in will still seem less, coz d course is too vast like the sea and all I have got are drops.wasted 3 days reading Foundation,to write a review on it and later got to know that it can be submitted later. My SPE membership card arrives after 2 months which I wasn't expecting at all coz I have forgotten my password and never tried to log in again.I have notes which weigh almost a kilo and I should start reading them now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I made impractical study plans for today which weren't executed at all. I anchored a musical night in my college on 2nd sept which started quite well but I was exhausted in the end.I should have eaten something to keep myself active.Exams from 14th and the preparation is still not on full swing.
And uh yes.........
3rd September,Thursday-first date of my life!!! :-)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jai Shri Krishna

Its Janmashtami today. Celebrated on the 8th day of Ashtami tithi during Krishna Paksh(period of fading moon) in the month of Bhaadra according to Hindu calendar and between mid Aug-mid Sept according to Gregorian calendar.
P.S:Just an effort on my part to keep a note of festivals that I keep forgetting every year.
Studying Folk and Dunham's carbonate rock clssification now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

First day of August. A usual saturday which ended with no productivity. I had some initial symptoms of viral...bodyache and weakness and so slept all afternoon(till evening) to feel better now and write a blog.I have to write a review on a 1956 B&W film called "Invasion of the body snatchers".Wished everyone for frienship's day which is tomorrow and I can't wait for the big lunch party at swasti's place!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

1.A disastrous attempt to make a clay model of pikachu(the pokemon)
2.Saw a movie called Watchmen. Brain tickling storyline,gruesome violent scenes, 2 hours of worth entertainment
3.A boil on my thumb to play a set of chords repeatedly only to sound close to actual song

Monday, June 22, 2009

Good/Bad/Ugly Hair day

I got a haircut today and my brother says it resembles Elvis Presley's style, not sure about that but it does make me look like a guy from the front. Finished with Death Note today.Lesson learnt- humans can never be god. watched Love actually.Positive movie,in a way but it encourages people to build false hopes. I guess I am practical

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I spent 2 hours gazing at Hugh Jackman today watching X-men origins. Drove till cg road all by myself! Read traffic rules for a license test.
and.....figured out that I'll never be able to play Bm correctly on d guitar

Friday, May 8, 2009

outing day

I tried 3 new things today-
1.glow in the dark golf(not much fun)
2.walked in the opposite direction of the escalator and reached the other floor(was fun)
3.tried d balloon wild buffalo ride(was awesum!!!)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Time: 12:55 am
Almost 1 in the morning. I am finishing a delayed english literature assignment and am listening to a song from sexy! But am so sleepy to feel sexy at all. My eyelids are being pulled down by gravity. Gotta stay awake.... gotta stay awake....gotta stay awake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Time:6:29 pm

I slept over 3 hours during afternoon.There is nothing like dozing off forgetting all those worries.I had my strength of materials paper. Exams are somewhat like holocausts spreading terrors into our minds. The air around speaks of fear and suffering.It hits everyone like a cyclone leaving us all disturbed for a while

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So, basically all I did today was surf for desserts on web. Tarts, pastries, cakes,puddings...but I was supposed to be at the study table.I should be excused for 1 reason that I did lotta household chores today.Me crying over spilt milk tomorrow,
odds of that happening have to be a million to one!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

3rd subject over.Nothing satisfactory again,suffered from 'ghajini' symptoms today.The temperature doesn't seem to have mercy on living creatures.We get barbequed everyday after lunch.Siestas are a must, extended from bus to home.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time: 15:45:16
Returned after giving my drilling exam.No more questions.My head is spinning round & round.Mom discharged from the hospital and she needs complete rest. I think I need some too, but I can't afford to rest. I 'll definitely flunk tomorrow if I do. But what adds to my frustration is that the paper never reflects the effort I put in.Why am I doing this?????????