Saturday, September 5, 2009

I made impractical study plans for today which weren't executed at all. I anchored a musical night in my college on 2nd sept which started quite well but I was exhausted in the end.I should have eaten something to keep myself active.Exams from 14th and the preparation is still not on full swing.
And uh yes.........
3rd September,Thursday-first date of my life!!! :-)


  1. first date???? hullw...tell us more

  2. i told u, u should have eaten... but u just dont listen do you....:-P and of course the next time you should listen to your mum when she tells you to bring an extra pair of shoes/slippers....! :-P

    u'll do just fine in the exams.... (or atleast that's what my 7th sense tells me....!!!:-P)
