Monday, September 28, 2009 when you are asked to take life changing decisions at a point when you are unprepared and all you can say is-ah....umm...hmm...i......Don't fumble! It means you are hesitating(which you are) but be brave enough to face it. Its not possible to avoid coz it has to be taken now or never.Get your life sorted before its too late.There are certain things that cannot be solved by flipping a coin.
...............listening to Taylor Swift's love story now.The video reminds you of those 'fairy tales' you read about when we were kids.The most girlish song I've ever heard!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ah.... the so called 'life changing' decision isn't one that you can make by putting extra pressure on yourself.... although i know the gravity of the situation, u should always remember that there is no pressure on you whatsoever....

    ummmm.... maybe i shouldn't have brought it up when i knew that u weren't ready to talk about it....

    hmmmm.... as far as now or never is concerned i dont think that u should be bothered about the future when u haven't even decided yet.... that part should come in the future....

    i.... i think that u r already brave enuf... just the fact that u r hesitating means that u r nt ready and require time and i couldn't agree more... no use taking such decisions without giving in thought.... wont do neone ne gud....

    i m sure u'll sort out things in your own time.... remember u r nt in this alone.....!!

  3. oh, n also that i'll support u in whatever decision u make in this regard....!

